Book Title: Tower of Thorns
Author: Juliet Marillier
Series: Blackthorn & Grim #2
Date Started: June 28th 2020
Date Completed: June 29th 2020
Genres: Historical, Mystery, Fantasy, Romance
Quality Rating: Three Stars
Enjoyment Rating: Three Star
Final Rating: Three Stars
Here come the criminal fae-loving detectives back to be deceived by another crazy lady once again. These books are a lot of fun, and indulgently vivid and engaging. Having read the second instalment now, it's clear that while the backstory is darker than what I've encountered in Marillier's other work, the story is actually a bit lighter and more entertaining without the deeply-invested angst - although I doubt that will continue into the last book where Blackthorn's revenge has got to be paid off.
I'm really glad that we're getting to see more of Blackthorn and Grim in different situations. They really are the main attraction here, everything else are obstacles and a distraction, really. I'm waiting for the endgame impatiently at this point, which is really praise on the way the story has been paced so far through the trilogy since I'm so invested - you just know Blackthorn isn't going to be able to satiate her need for revenge forever, and you just know they're both going to end up back in Laois. It's time to see that, now.
For Tower of Thorns specifically, I did feel like things dragged out longer than necessary. The audience knows what's going to happen a good 50 pages before the characters do, if not more, and the delay starts to grind a bit. Though I will say that, once again, Blackthorn and Grim's tentative relationship is a nice break from the sometimes sickly romance or angst of the other characters, even if their denial of each other is painfully obvious by now.
Considering I read both instalments in this series in a day each, I'm enjoying them. They're more entertaining binge experiences for me, but I did wake up this morning and was a little disappointed to realise I'd finished it. I'll probably be onto the last book as soon as I've finished what I'm currently reading. And the end of this is going to be good.