Book Title: Her Radiant Curse
Author: Elizabeth Lim
Date Started: June 10th 2023
Date Completed: June 28th 2023
Genres: Fantasy, Adventure, Romance
Quality Rating: Three Stars
Enjoyment Rating: Three Star
Final Rating: Three Stars
*Thanks to NetGalley for this ebook for review*
Ultimately, this book was alright but not amazing. I enjoyed the changing landscapes, the rising stakes, and the vivid sense of time and mythos alongside the contemporary worldbuilding. However, overall, it held back on its characters, unable to let them flourish as they seemed to want to, which dampened the overall feel of the story.
I could feel towards the end that things didn't seem to be resolving themselves, which of course is because Her Radiant Curse is a prequel to the Six Crimson Cranes duology. I love those books dearly, and I have to say that this is the most involved, engaging and satisfying prequel I've read in a long time - so much so that I forgot it was a prequel for most of it. But, it's still a prequel and at the mercy of meeting certain plot points and having limits to its character's arcs.
Impressively done within its own confines, Her Radiant Curse unfortunately falls into the pitfalls of many prequels, though it's a fun journey to get there.