Friday 20 September 2024

Rule of Wolves

Book Title: Rule of Wolves
Author: Leigh Bardugo
Series: King of Scars #2
Date Started: August 6th  2024
Date Completed: September 20th 2024
Genres: Adventure, Fantasy, Romance
Quality Rating: Three Stars
Enjoyment Rating: Four Star
Final Rating: Four Stars

As part of my quest to finish the unfinished book (and TV) series on my list, I picked up the second book in the King of Scars duology having left it behind after the first book came out. I'm glad I did; this book was a nice ending to the saga that began with Shadow and Bone, appropriately bittersweet with a feeling of real weight and accomplishment within the world.

King of Scars wasn't my favourite, and seemed to wander around various places, characters and themes and struggled to decide what it wanted. Rule of Wolves similarly had its focus on a few too many places - particularly with merging two series like the Netflix adaptation decided to do. There were several references and cameos that didn't amount to much, and it's fun but actually ends up making the world feel so much smaller. That all being said, it was nice in the moment and this second book definitely had a better-realised plotline and resolution.

I wouldn't mind visiting Ravka again, but I would love a story that doesn't feel the need to incorporate existing books and characters and can breathe by itself. I very much look forward to whatever Bardugo has cooking up that is new too.