Sunday, 15 December 2024

The Ersatz Elevator, Lemony Snicket

Book Title: The Ersatz Elevator
Author: Lemony Snicket
Series: A Series of Unfortunate Events #6
Date Started: December 12th  2024
Date Completed: December 15th 2024
Genres: Adventure, Mystery
Quality Rating: Four Stars
Enjoyment Rating: Three Star
Final Rating: Three Stars

A Series of Unfortunate Events were such classics in my childhood - everyone read them and loved them. I only got halfway through them (despite having the box set) because they started to get repetitive, but the Netflix adaptation has given me confidence that things get shaken up. So, as I continue my mission to finish the various incomplete series from my childhood and early teens, now is the time.

I really appreciate how fun and clever these stories are as an adult, as well as how fantastic it is to see children's protagonists celebrated as clever and brave and inventive - while the adults around them are largely unwilling to commit to facing the unfortunate events that befall the Baudelaire orphans. It's reminded me that most of my most beloved childhood books similarly celebrated kids who were clever and curious, who tried hard even when no one else would, and who knew that the relationships with those around them was the most precious thing they had. There should be more children's fiction that tackles dark and scary things like that.

Plot-wise, I vaguely remember all the mysteries from the Netflix series (though I'd have to look up V.F.D. again), but it's fun to see them in original form. I definitely feel like Lemony Snicket is partially to blame for the modern idea of click-baiting though. The bizarre elements - while still truly bizarre even now - do work impressively well with the quirks of the narrator. This was a very special type of series, and I'm looking forward to finishing it.

Thursday, 12 December 2024

Thorn, Intisar Khanani

Book Title: Thorn
Author: Intisar Khanani
Series: The Dauntless Path #1
Date Started: November 26th  2024
Date Completed: December 12th 2024
Genres: Fantasy, Romance, Adventure
Quality Rating: Three Stars
Enjoyment Rating: Four Star
Final Rating: Four Stars

◆ Thank you to NetGalley for this ebook for review ◆

I really enjoyed Thorn, though it did lose its momentum towards the end. Because I loved a lot of the creative choices, I've given it four stars but I would say the last section was probably three for me. With that being said, Khanani has put together a beautiful retelling of the Goose Girl fairy tale, and I adored the new elements and world-building she's added.

The complex morality is really the heart of the story, and its strength is clear. This book is about much more than just the exciting romantasy and tricksy politics, and it feels fresh because of it. Khanani went back to the heart of fairy tales that were always supposed to help their audiences cope with situations they felt powerless in. Thorn as a character goes through that cycle herself and the resolution really came out as a nuanced and meaningful finale.

Overall, I found this to be a fun story overall with some really moving set pieces. It felt well-balanced and grounded for a YA fantasy adventure - though I will say, for a book supposedly under 300 pages (I was reading an ARC so approximately), it felt significantly longer. I think there are more retellings in this world but in self-contained stories - which I love! I'm all for stand-alone novels that finish their stories, but continue to explore a promising story world with lots more to offer than a single book offers.