Book Title: The Rogue
Author: Trudi Canavan
Series: The Traitor Spy Trilogy #2
Series: The Traitor Spy Trilogy #2
Date Started: March 17th 2014
Date Completed: March 23rd 2014
Genres: Fantasy, Adventure, Romance, Mystery
Rating: Four stars
I really enjoyed the Rogue, and it was nice to continue on such an amazing story and world again. To be honest, it did feel a bit like a filler book for the finale of the trilogy, but the characters kept my attention well enough for me to forget about that most of the time.
The search for the rogue magician is still on, and with each day Sonea's friends are put in more and more danger. And then, when two Guild novices start to play around with black magic, it seems there's even more on her plate than she can handle. At the same time, miles away in Sachaka, Sonea's son is still living among the Traitors, desperate to work out their secrets and find a way to pay for his father's crimes.
I love Canavan's writing. It's so vivid and the characters are all so real. Even though the book is written in 3rd person, you still get a really strong idea of each person's inner monologue and how they think.
The speech is also a really strong-point in these books; it's both formal and funny at the same time. The dialect is also very different for each part of the world and maintained throughout. It's a very clever thing to include, and quite hard I think, but it really makes the world come to life and ensures the characters seem real.
I absolutely love the world Canavan has created and it's still developing this far into the series. There's always something new to learn and some conspiracy hiding underneath everything else. It's just amazing and I love it so much.
Being the middle book in the series, there wasn't anything huge that happened as the stories were mainly being developed from the previous book, but there weren't any times where nothing was happening; the characters were always moving about, talking and living their lives interestingly.
It's great to see all the old characters - I'm still not ready to say goodbye to them. There's also some really amazing and realistic relationships built up, including romantic and friendship types. It's a very character-driven story and so it's important that all the people are so likeable.
Sonea will forever be my favourite character, and the other people included in her story are the same. They're all lovely and bring out different qualities in Sonea's personality. Canavan's story doesn't have one protagonist, but if I had to choose one, I'd pick Sonea, because she really is a hero. (And then Rothen, Cery and Dorrien in her stories are so loveable and I never want them to go away.)
I also think Lorkin is really nice. He's not really a big male interest for me, but I respect him for what he does and how he acts. I think he and Tyvara are a good pair, though he's too dedicated to do whats right to allow him to be happy with her unfortunately.
I really love Dannyl, though I have to say I don't really see the point of his story. I suppose he'll make a big discovery that will change the whole story at some point, but so far it hasn't happened and it's been quite a while.
The pace was unfortunately quite slow for this whole book. I'm used to Canavan's writing holding lots of secrets that slowly tie together and create an amazing finale to a huge story. Because this is the middle book of the trilogy, there wasn't as much going on, but I know the last book is going to be explosive. I'm looking forward to it very much.
The Rogue is a great read for any Trudi Canavan fan, and it's really interesting to see the old characters continuing their adventures. It wasn't as good as some of the other books, but I can tell the last book is going to be amazing. There's some of the best fantasy I've ever read, and some amazing relationship building here, so try the series (starting with Canavan's Black Magician Trilogy) if you like that sound of any of that.
Image Source: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/8411749-the-rogue
I really enjoyed the Rogue, and it was nice to continue on such an amazing story and world again. To be honest, it did feel a bit like a filler book for the finale of the trilogy, but the characters kept my attention well enough for me to forget about that most of the time.
The search for the rogue magician is still on, and with each day Sonea's friends are put in more and more danger. And then, when two Guild novices start to play around with black magic, it seems there's even more on her plate than she can handle. At the same time, miles away in Sachaka, Sonea's son is still living among the Traitors, desperate to work out their secrets and find a way to pay for his father's crimes.
I love Canavan's writing. It's so vivid and the characters are all so real. Even though the book is written in 3rd person, you still get a really strong idea of each person's inner monologue and how they think.
The speech is also a really strong-point in these books; it's both formal and funny at the same time. The dialect is also very different for each part of the world and maintained throughout. It's a very clever thing to include, and quite hard I think, but it really makes the world come to life and ensures the characters seem real.
I absolutely love the world Canavan has created and it's still developing this far into the series. There's always something new to learn and some conspiracy hiding underneath everything else. It's just amazing and I love it so much.
Being the middle book in the series, there wasn't anything huge that happened as the stories were mainly being developed from the previous book, but there weren't any times where nothing was happening; the characters were always moving about, talking and living their lives interestingly.
It's great to see all the old characters - I'm still not ready to say goodbye to them. There's also some really amazing and realistic relationships built up, including romantic and friendship types. It's a very character-driven story and so it's important that all the people are so likeable.
Sonea will forever be my favourite character, and the other people included in her story are the same. They're all lovely and bring out different qualities in Sonea's personality. Canavan's story doesn't have one protagonist, but if I had to choose one, I'd pick Sonea, because she really is a hero. (And then Rothen, Cery and Dorrien in her stories are so loveable and I never want them to go away.)
I also think Lorkin is really nice. He's not really a big male interest for me, but I respect him for what he does and how he acts. I think he and Tyvara are a good pair, though he's too dedicated to do whats right to allow him to be happy with her unfortunately.
I really love Dannyl, though I have to say I don't really see the point of his story. I suppose he'll make a big discovery that will change the whole story at some point, but so far it hasn't happened and it's been quite a while.
The pace was unfortunately quite slow for this whole book. I'm used to Canavan's writing holding lots of secrets that slowly tie together and create an amazing finale to a huge story. Because this is the middle book of the trilogy, there wasn't as much going on, but I know the last book is going to be explosive. I'm looking forward to it very much.
The Rogue is a great read for any Trudi Canavan fan, and it's really interesting to see the old characters continuing their adventures. It wasn't as good as some of the other books, but I can tell the last book is going to be amazing. There's some of the best fantasy I've ever read, and some amazing relationship building here, so try the series (starting with Canavan's Black Magician Trilogy) if you like that sound of any of that.
Image Source: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/8411749-the-rogue
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