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Books Read in the BookTubeAThon 2018

Ash and Quill, Rachel Caine
The Carnelian Crow, Colleen Gleason
Trace Evidence, Kathy Reichs & Brendan Reichs
Girl Meets Boy, Ali Smith
The Madman's Daughter, Megan Shepherd
The Curse of Gloamglozer, Paul Stewart & Chris Riddell
The Paper Magician, Charlie N. Holmberg
The Language of Thorns, Leigh Bardugo
So I didn't use the reading challenges to help me pick out my books to read - because I didn't know if I was going to take part in advance (and wasn't hugely inspired by the challenges themselves this year), I mostly just picked what I was feeling in the mood for. And I think it's why I got through so much. Instead of trying to fit things into predetermined categories, I was just going with what my gut wanted. I read three different 1800s gothic-style adventure-mysteries, and two short story collections because I got excited about them and wanted more. I think next year, unless the challenges are especially attractive, I might do the same again and just pick my books as I go along.
As usual, I'm more interesetd in the pages I read than the number of books. Because I have no qualms about leaving books unfinished if I'm not enjoying them, it's a better way for me to track how much I've got through. I also started this year's BookTubeAThon finishing off the end of Ash and Quill; I still want it to go towards my count, but I didn't read the whole thing during the event. So, last year I read 1,629 pages, and 1,647 in 2016. So 1,600 is the general trend. Here's how I did this year.
Day 1: Monday 30th July
Books and Pages Read:
42 pages of Ash and Quill (finished!)
198 pages of The Carnelian Crow
Pages Read Today: 240 pages
Pages Read Today: 240 pages
Total Pages Read: 240 pages
Day 2: Tuesday 31st July
Books and Pages Read:
111 pages of The Carnelian Crow (finished!)
304 pages of Trace Evidence (finished!)
Pages Read Today: 415 pages
Pages Read Today: 415 pages
Total Pages Read: 655 pages
Day 3: Wednesday 1st August
Books and Pages Read:
30 pages of The Curse of Gloamglozer
Pages Read Today: 30 pages
Total Pages Read: 685 pages
Day 4: Thursday 2nd August
Books and Pages Read:
15 pages of The Curse of Gloamglozer
177 pages of Girl Meets Boy (finished!)
Pages Read Today: 192 pages
Pages Read Today: 192 pages
Total Pages Read: 877 pages
Day 5: Friday 3rd August
Books and Pages Read:
133 pages of The Madman's Daughter (finished!)
54 pages of The Curse of Gloamglozer
Pages Read Today: 187 pages
Pages Read Today: 187 pages
Total Pages Read: 1,064 pages
Day 6: Saturday 4th August
Books and Pages Read:
27 pages of The Curse of Gloamglozer (finished!)
160 pages of The Paper Magician
51 pages of The Language of Thorns
Pages Read Today: 238 pages
51 pages of The Language of Thorns
Pages Read Today: 238 pages
Total Pages Read: 1,302 pages
Day 7: Sunday 5th August
Books and Pages Read:
66 pages of The Paper Magician (finished!)
48 pages of The Language of Thorns
Pages Read Today: 114 pages
Pages Read Today: 114 pages
Total Pages Read: 1,416 pages
So that bit where I said I did better than usual? Lol, nope. (This is why I like to see how I've done with pages rather than books.) But, I did enjoy this year and balanced it pretty well with my other activities in the week. I'm glad I took part, even if I didn't get to be invovled in the social media stuff and didn't beat my personal goal.
How did you do this year? And what do you think about using challenges or choosing as you go along like I tried this year? Don't forget to go to the website and sign up for your 2018 reading certificate, I'm excitd to get mine. Thanks for visiting, and happy BookTubeAThon.
How did you do this year? And what do you think about using challenges or choosing as you go along like I tried this year? Don't forget to go to the website and sign up for your 2018 reading certificate, I'm excitd to get mine. Thanks for visiting, and happy BookTubeAThon.
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