Sunday 30 June 2024


Book Title: Godkiller
Author: Hannah Kaner
Series: Fallen Gods #1
Date Started: June 23rd  2024
Date Completed: June 30th 2024
Genres: Fantasy, Adventure
Quality Rating: Five Stars
Enjoyment Rating: Five Star
Final Rating: Five Stars

◆ Thank you to NetGalley for this ebook for review ◆

Simply put, Godkiller is the most fun I've had with a fantasy adventure in ages. While it started off feeling like a gender-bent Witcher-y story (no harm in that), it quickly fell into its own stride and become unputdownable.

There are compelling characters with solid motivations and unravelling stories; such lush, grim and spectacular worldbuilding; each scene hums with a special little magic. This book envelops you almost instantly and stretches as far as the eye can see. But the one thing that warmed my heart the most was some of the best diverse representation (featuring diversity as normal, beyond a token character trait) I've ever read.

The final twist I did see coming, but even so the ripple effect it had across the ensemble retains its impact. I cannot wait for the second book (I already bought it before turning the last page of this), and hopefully more to come down the line to spin this tale even further for us to enjoy. There's a lot still simmering away and as Kaner puts it in her acknowledgements, this is just the beginning.

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