Tuesday, 26 November 2024

A Dance with Fate, Juliet Marillier

Book Title: A Dance with Fate
Author: Juliet Marillier
Series: Warrior Bards #2
Date Started: November 23rd 2024
Date Completed: November 26th 2024
Genres: Fantasy, Adventure, Romance, Historical, Mystery
Quality Rating: Four Stars
Enjoyment Rating: Four Star
Final Rating: Four Stars

I was in the mood for a quick read that was fun and just the right amount of dramatic in between what's sort of a reading sprint to finish a ton of books before the end of the year - and Juliet Marillier delivered.

The Warrior Bards series didn't start off as one of my favourites of Marillier's but now that the characters are on their paths there's more time for actual plot rather than just herding people into their places. I always love Marillier's balance of mystery and adventure (and the light touch romance that's always embedded within strong friendships). Her books do tend to be pretty plot-driven but with the characters becoming a very recognisable cast, it stays rooted in something special. This series leans more into the fae sub-plots than her others, which sometimes feel unnecessarily squeezed in to keep something relevant for later down the line, but it does always weave back into the central story eventually.

I'm always impressed how somewhat similar events across all of Marillier's books always feel new and exciting. The importance of setting and place for her stories is one of my favourite things to experience each time - especially as the characters tend to move around a lot, it really delivers on the fantastical journey storytelling tradition that informs so much of the stories. Always familiar, but always with something new around the next corner.

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